What is Rainbow & Bubbles?
Hi, I'm Azurie, 👋 and welcome to the kawaii and compassionate world of Rainbow & Bubbles! I'm an illustrator who's on a mission to help you live a happier life. My aim is to fill your life with happy rainbows with the power of kawaii and practical tools, so that you can discover the joy of simply blowing bubbles on a sunny day.
Rainbow & Bubbles is a fun and unique self-care shop, where you'll find practical self-care tools that come with super kawaii companions! Me and my kawaii friends will help ease your anxiety and cheer you on without judgment, and our wish is for you to live a calmer and more joyful life.
We are here to help, and we promise that we don’t judge, we won’t get mad at you, we won't point fingers, and we won't laugh at you for simply being yourself. In fact, what we want is to laugh with you at the silliest little things in life!
Who is Azurie?
Hello, I’m Azurie from Rainbow & Bubbles. So glad to have you here today, thank you for stopping by! ❤️
This is me in a nutshell 🥜
- I love watching anime and reading manga. Current favorite character: Anya Forger from Spy x Family.
- I'm obsessed with watching and drawing animals.
- I have more plushies than I should...
I started illustrating kawaii animals as a means of coping with anxiety and feeling overwhelmed. It was a safe space for me where there was no judgment, and I was free to simply be, to simply exist. Having them look at me with all their kawaiiness while cheering me on helped me feel like I’m not alone. They gave me the courage to start making changes, starting with myself.
I started combining my kawaii illustrations with practical self-care tools and found that this was way more effective in lifting my spirits. Why you ask? That's because when we see something cute, happy hormones are released. That, paired with the mood-lifting mental exercises is a powerful combo. The result? Happiness! 💝
I started sharing some of my kawaii self-care stationery with friends and family. The feedback was great, including comments like:
- "Their cheery faces motivated me to be keep doing the mental exercises."
- "I started feeling lighter and happier."
This inspired me to share my creations with more people, and so Rainbow & Bubbles was born!
Why should I get stuff from Rainbow & Bubbles?
Mental health is important. Just like physical health, if you want to be healthy, you have to do something about it. Maybe it feels too difficult to open up to someone else about your mental issues right now. So let’s start with baby steps - by “talking” it through with our kawaii besties, and discovering ways to improve your mood.
Even though I'm just an illustrator and cannot provide licensed therapy or medical advice for you, my kawaii cutie pies and I are here for you nonetheless. We’ll share with you some practical self-care tools to help calm your mind, help change your perspective, boost your happy hormones, and ultimately help you live a life that is more aligned with what you want. This is a safe space for you. We promise to treat you with compassion and kindness, and nobody else needs to know what you're doing until you’re ready to tell them.
Even if you don’t believe it now, I’ll say this - you are not alone, and you don’t need to feel ashamed. Once you are able to fully believe this, the anxious feelings will gradually become a distant memory, and loneliness will slowly become a thing of the past.
Are you ready to start making changes? I think my Kawaii Affirmation Card Deck and Kawaii Self-Care Notepads would be a great start. What do you say to conquering the cloudy days together? 🫶

Note: Rainbow & Bubbles is not a licensed mental health service. All advices and suggestions given shall considered as an exchange of thoughts between friends, and they are not a substitute for professional mental health advice, assessment, treatment, therapy, or similar. If you are having a hard time and it seems to be dragging on, please see a healthcare professional.